Strahov Theological Hall - Original Baroque Cabinets |
Strahov Philosophical Hall |
Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland |
Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy |
Biblioteca Di Bella Arti, Milan, Italy |
Biblioteca do Palacio e Convento de Mafra I, Lisbon Coast, Portugal |
Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal |
Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Puebla, Mexico |
Bibliotheque Alencon, Normandy, France |
Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris, France |
George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar II, Germany |
El Escorial Library, San Lorenzo, Spain |
Casanatense Library, Rome, Italy |
British Reading Room, British Museum, London, England |
Boston Copley Public Library, Boston, USA |
Bodlein Library, Oxford University, England |
Biblioteca do Palàcio Nacional da Ajuda Lisboa III, Lisbon, Portugal |
Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, the Hague, Netherlands |
Cathedral Library, Kalocsa, Hungary |
Kremsmuenster Abbey Library, Kremsmünster, Upper Austria. |