Saturday, January 31, 2009


More play and less control over children. Adults need to play more, too.
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The Serious Need for Play

Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed

One study found that kids who played with blocks scored higher on language tests than kids who had no blocks. Perhaps the children with blocks simply spent less time on unproductive activities such as watching TV--but the end result was good for them in any case.

Key Concepts

  • Childhood play is crucial for social, emotional and cognitive ­development.
  • Imaginative and rambunctious “free play,” as opposed to games or structured activities, is the most essential type.
  • Kids and animals that do not play when they are young may grow into anxious, socially maladjusted adults.
  • Freedom Counts
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    Face Time
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    Stress Relief
    Play to the Head of the Class
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    Play fighting also improves problem solving
    Let Loose
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    rich exposure to social play experiences is more likely to become an adult who can manage unpredictable social situations
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    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Polar bears befriend a pack of dogs

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    8 Years Of Bush in 8 Minutes! ~Olbermann

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    Monday, January 5, 2009

    Scientists dismiss 'detox myth'

    Leave the rubbish out for a few days and eat veges and fruit. Best detox.
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    There is no evidence that products widely promoted to help the body "detox" work, scientists warn.

    The charitable trust Sense About Science reviewed 15 products, from bottled water to face scrub, and found many detox claims were "meaningless".

    Eating fruit and vegetables is the best way to feel healthy, researchers say

    Anyone worried about the after-effects of Christmas overindulgence would get the same benefits from eating healthily and getting plenty of sleep, they said.

    No two companies seemed to use the same definition of detox

    The investigation, done by research members of the Voice of Young Science network, was kicked off by a campaign to unpick "dodgy" science claims - where companies use phrases that sound scientific but do not actually mean anything.

    They challenged the companies behind products such as vitamins, shampoo, detox patches and a body brush on the evidence they had to support the detox claims made.

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    In Lung Cancer, Silencing One Crucial Gene Disrupts Normal Functioning Of Genome

    Lung cancer explained. How did we ever get sucked in? Just supports Einstein's claim that our stupidity is infinite. I blame the suicide gene and my own stupidity. At least I didn't get wiped out cutting whiskers off a lion
    While examining patterns of DNA modification in lung cancer, a team of international researchers has discovered what they say is a surprising new mechanism. They say that "silencing" of a single gene in lung cancer led to a general impairment in genome-wide changes in cells, contributing to cancer development and progression
    they also report finding a strong link between modification of the key gene, MTHFR, and tobacco use by lung cancer patients – even if the patient had smoked for a short period of time

    The findings reinforce tobacco's link to lung cancer development, but show that deactivating one specific gene through a process known as hypermethylation causes systemic dysfunction, or hypomethylation, in many genes, said the study's senior investigator, Zdenko Herceg, Ph.D., head of the Epigenetics Group at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

    We found that tobacco-mediated hypermethylation of MTHFR, and consequent partial or complete silencing of the gene
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    Curb Hunger Pangs with This Oil

    Snacks between meals are one reason we put on extra weight as we get older.You cant go back & work out in your 50s like you did in your 30-40s.We need to be greatful for our bodies & plan & scedule balanced meals...Cardio exercise helps maintain a regular weight (30mins) Older you get the more muscle loss, you need exercise to maintain like swinging (not that kind) a couple of dumbells from waist to shoulder height...give yourself as much love as you give others~its never too late...What are you hungry for? Seek pleasure get it in real areas~relationships,career~ food is not the answer. We go through issues,,pick your butt up,,life moves on, you have to too ..learn from life,accept yourself.Healthy is not the weight on the scale.Forget perfection.Why are you over weight? Looking for something in life that didnt come your way? Manage balance the bigger picture. Bottom link is worth a read in clip
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    Curb Hunger Pangs with This Oil

    Here's a snack that ought to stop you from, well, snacking: whole-grain bread dipped in olive oil.
    That's because olive oil is rich in a special appetite-controlling kind of fat. Wow, a fat that may help with weight control! That's something to write home about.
    Getting the Message
    Olive oil contains oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat. Upon reaching the small intestine, oleic acid triggers the production of oleoylethanolamide (OEA), another fatty substance. OEA then finds its way to nerve endings that carry a hunger-curbing message to the brain. And that message is loud and clear: "Hey. Stop eating! You're full!!" Researchers are hoping that new appetite-suppressing drugs using OEA will be developed to reduce obesity. (Get the skinny on why belly fat is so bad for your health -- and how to lose yours.)
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    Saturday, January 3, 2009

    Grape-seed extract kills laboratory leukemia cells, proving value of natural compounds

    All persons evenly remotely concerned about cancer will start growing grape vines out their bums after swallowing the seeds hoping it will help.
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    PHILADELPHIA – An extract from grape seeds forces laboratory leukemia cells to commit cell suicide, according to researchers from the University of Kentucky. They found that within 24 hours, 76 percent of leukemia cells had died after being exposed to the extract.

    The investigators, who report their findings in the January 1, 2009, issue of Clinical Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, also teased apart the cell signaling pathway associated with use of grape seed extract that led to cell death, or apoptosis. They found that the extract activates JNK, a protein that regulates the apoptotic pathway.

    While grape seed extract has shown activity in a number of laboratory cancer cell lines, including skin, breast, colon, lung, stomach and prostate cancers, no one had tested the extract in hematological cancers nor had the precise mechanism for activity been revealed.

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    Antibiotics before infections save lives: study

    ICU - and the rest of the hospital. Infections lurk everywhere in hospitals. Good for all patients really.
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    LONDON (Reuters) –
    Giving antibiotics to patients in intensive care units as a precaution saves lives, according to a major Dutch study published Wednesday.

    The findings in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest the benefits of administering antibiotics right away, even before an infection develops, outweigh the risks people will develop resistance to them, the researchers said.

    "We have seen that using antibiotics clearly results in a reduction in the number of deaths and intensive care units should make use of this knowledge," Anne Marie de Smet, a researcher at University Medical Center Utrecht, said in a statement.

    Drug-resistant bacteria are a growing problem in hospitals worldwide, marked by the rise of superbugs such as methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus, or MRSA. Such infections kill about 19,000 people a year in the United States, while more than 4,000 a year in Britain are infected.

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