Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lightning Hits Plane - Cool Photos

Elaine J. forwarded us these photos and accompanying text:

Spectacular shot of a Nippon jet being struck by lightning in Osaka.
Amazing that the aircraft itself and the people and equipment inside can survive such a hit!

This is in normal time:

This is in slow motion:

This is a still photo just on initiation of the bolt...
Notice the ground and air bolt feeder strike at the same time. Lucky people!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Not Your Average Railway

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It is an ad but this is totally unexpected. The text at the end reportedly says:

"There are many small engineers. We are looking forward to them growing up".


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Anglerfish have soft bones and squishy type flesh
that is either gray or black in color. They are shaped like a baseball with
fins. The anglerfish do not have pectoral fins. The anglerfish is very slow.
can grow up to be up to 8 inches long.
how it eats
An anglerfish eats by using the lure on the end of its "fishing
pole". This lure lights up by using the bacteria around it to create
a bioluminescent light. When this light is lit up fish see it and think it
is the poop that came from up top, because when other fish from up top poop
it comes down and catches bacteria and starts glowing. The anglerfish pretends
its lure is a piece of poop that glows and small fish come to it and get eaten
by the anglerfish.
An anglerfish male makes a different sort of
pattern to let a female know that he is a type of anglerfish to have babies
with. Then the male lives on the female as a parasite. Later they come together
as a two body hermaphrodite and have kids.

Safely install any program using Virtual layer - Altris

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Hack Attack: Safely install software in a virtual layer
Enter Altiris Software Virtualization Solution (SVS). With Altiris SVS, you can install any program to a transparent layer that snags all attempts that the program makes to write to your system, instead saving them inside of the layer. That means no extra .dll's and no permanent registry changes - SVS takes care of all of that.


Beautiful pictures from Antarctica

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I love the underwater shot of the penguins! (Pics didn't come out, you have to go to link...sorry)

Stunning panoramic photos

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PHOTOS with remarkable color contrast - surreal

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photo credits: Avi Ornstein, I DID IT Productions