Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Amazing Banana!

clipped from www.mrbreakfast.com
The Amazing Banana
What Bananas Cure:

  • Anemia -- Because of their high iron content, bananas have the ability to stimulate hemoglobin production in the bloodstream.
Bone Mass Decay In Salt Eaters -
"The potassium [found in bananas] appears to counteract the bad effects of high-salt diets by preventing bones from decaying at a fast rate."
Constipation - If you're blocked up, stick a banana in your... mouth. The banana's high fiber content helps to restore normal bowel function.
Depression - Like turkey, bananas contain tryptophan, a protein that converts to the neurotransmitter serotonin.
High Blood Pressure - The U.S. Food and Drug Association recently allowed the banana industry to make official claims that bananas reduce the risk of blood pressure problems.
Nervousness - Bananas are high in the B-complex vitamins, which are known to have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Strokes -
Ugliness -
relieve hangovers
heartburn, morning sickness, mosquito bites and warts

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