Monday, January 5, 2009

Curb Hunger Pangs with This Oil

Snacks between meals are one reason we put on extra weight as we get older.You cant go back & work out in your 50s like you did in your 30-40s.We need to be greatful for our bodies & plan & scedule balanced meals...Cardio exercise helps maintain a regular weight (30mins) Older you get the more muscle loss, you need exercise to maintain like swinging (not that kind) a couple of dumbells from waist to shoulder height...give yourself as much love as you give others~its never too late...What are you hungry for? Seek pleasure get it in real areas~relationships,career~ food is not the answer. We go through issues,,pick your butt up,,life moves on, you have to too ..learn from life,accept yourself.Healthy is not the weight on the scale.Forget perfection.Why are you over weight? Looking for something in life that didnt come your way? Manage balance the bigger picture. Bottom link is worth a read in clip
clipped from
Curb Hunger Pangs with This Oil

Here's a snack that ought to stop you from, well, snacking: whole-grain bread dipped in olive oil.
That's because olive oil is rich in a special appetite-controlling kind of fat. Wow, a fat that may help with weight control! That's something to write home about.
Getting the Message
Olive oil contains oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat. Upon reaching the small intestine, oleic acid triggers the production of oleoylethanolamide (OEA), another fatty substance. OEA then finds its way to nerve endings that carry a hunger-curbing message to the brain. And that message is loud and clear: "Hey. Stop eating! You're full!!" Researchers are hoping that new appetite-suppressing drugs using OEA will be developed to reduce obesity. (Get the skinny on why belly fat is so bad for your health -- and how to lose yours.)
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