Friday, February 6, 2009

Adam Fuller’s Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Is Big Idea

Adam Fuller’s Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Is Big Idea

t to be confused with

Adam Fuller Vertical Wind TurbineAdam Fuller of Racine, Wisconsin (noSimon Fuller of American Idol) has a Big Idea. While other inventors have been dabbling in the idea of small vertical wind turbines for home use, Fuller has been developing a large utility scale vertical wind turbine with a very unique design.

Upon first glance of Fuller’s vertical axis wind turbine one can see that it is different than the three blades horizontal utility scale wind generators to which we have been accustomed. One can also see that this machine is unique even among other vertical axis wind turbines.

Adam Fuller Vertical Wind Turbine

The structure (picture left) that Fuller has built is approximately 12 ft. wide by 36 ft. tall and features 8 rows of 4 scoop units revolving around a single axel. As one can see the design is bird friendly since birds can actually see this turbine rather than the swift blades of a horizontal design.

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sindhu said...

A windmill is a machine that converts kinetic wind energy into mechanical energy. A turbine is a machine that further converts that mechanical energy into electrical energy. A turbine is also referred to as a wind energy converter.

Wind turbines are of two types; a Horizontal wind turbines, which has its rotor shaft placed at the top of its body and must be pointed at the wind, and a vertical wind turbine which has its rotor placed vertically and at a lower point.

sindhu said...

Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) are the most common wind turbines used. Consisting of one to three blades that spin around a rotor, these turbines look like giant propellers jutting from the landscape atop an aerodynamic tower on a hillside. Wind passes through the blades, affecting the pressure on either side. This pressure creates a lift force that causes the blades to rotate around the rotor. The rotor converts the power of the wind into usable energy. Both cost effective and efficient, these turbines harness the power of the winds that blow several meters above the ground.

HipCrete Studios said...

Much of the story of my turbine is... missing. The VAWT in general is the most inefficient turbines.

What I've developed has exceeded 2000% output increases over what U see above. These were testing prototypes of the core turbine and there is much more coming soon. energygoogle com