Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is Digg Rigged? By who? GIYUS?

Sorry, but it's true, not everybody likes you guys, I'd even go as far as to say there are some out there that both agree with you but still don't like the way you do things. No great conspiracy really, at least not against you guys in particular.

The second way Digg gets rigged is by ....
clipped from
Sure, Digg is rigged.
by tsoldrin
on 3/03/07
Block/Report this User

The first way digg gets rigged is by groups of people working together to 'game' the system for various reasons of their own - often politcal. A good example of such a group (even better since you guys seem to be so shy about mentioning Israeli involvement in world machinations) is the group GIYUS, which stands for 'Give Israel Your United Support'. Last I checked, this group was over 50,000 strong.
they monitor the net (especially places like Digg) for any criticism of Israel and when they find something, they send out a call via e-mail alerts, rss and their own messaging client for all members to hit the site and cast votes against the options they don't like as well as for the ones supporting their point of view.
something like this is going on with these articles, though not nearly so sophisticated... more likely it's people who've been privy to infowars/prisonplanet work before and don't like it either for content or stylistic differences.
blog it

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