Sunday, June 17, 2007

Quirkology - The Surname Study


The Surname Study

In the following article, originally published in The Daily Telegraph, Richard Wiseman describes how your surname may affect your life.

A few weeks ago, I invited Telegraph readers to take part in a unique experiment to explore whether your surname influences your life. There was a massive response, with 15,000 readers participating online.

The results yielded a fascinating insight into a hitherto hidden aspect of the human psyche. I wanted to know if people who had a surname that began with a letter near the start of the alphabet were more successful in life than those with names towards the end.

Last year, American economists analysed the surnames of academics working in economics departments at US universities, and found that those with initials early in the alphabet were more likely to be in the best-rated departments, to become fellows of the Econometric Society and even to win a Nobel Prize.

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