Saturday, June 16, 2007

Vertical Wind Turbine

It's quiet & doesn't kill birds. Nice!
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The magnetically-levitated Mag-Wind design solves 11 different problems that previously limited the development of vertical-axis wind turbines for generation of electricity.
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If we put 10,000 wind turbines onto roofs in a city, on a windy day that could produce 50 megawatts of electricity, which could replace a coal-fired or other fossil-fuelled power generating plant.

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Our vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), the MW 1100, is sized to fit on a roof without disturbing the neighbours.

A roof with a 10-foot vertical rise and a 30% angle will provide nearly a 200% increase in the amount of wind energy that is available to be turned into electricity. Compared to the same turbine just sitting on a pole, the roof effect increases the power yielded by operation of the wind turbine dramatically.

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