Sunday, November 18, 2007

Docstoc: Clipmarks for Documents!

I thought my title was better than their own description, "Youtube for documents". Their's is hype, mine is more accurate.

This suggests also that Clipmarks programming could be applied to various fields in like manner, for various applications. I would like to see Clipmarks expand their capabilities like this so we could post or embed actual legal (legislative) briefs that could be scrolled right from a blog, making reading and reporting online a great deal easier, and pdf in particular easier to reference in a blog post. (A Firefox addon for pdf files to view as html also exists).

(Just let me share if this idea becomes profitable!)
clipped from

Five incredibly cool and useful blogging tools

2. Useful: Docstoc [see our previous coverage of Docstoc, a Beverly Hills startup]

Docstoc describes itself as a Youtube for documents. The site has thousands of user-uploaded legal and business docs that can be searched, browsed and downloaded free of charge. What makes Docstoc such a useful tool for blogs is that all the documents are embeddable, allowing you to display pdfs, Word docs and Excel files in an intuitive flash reader from within your posts. Find a cool doc while browsing around Docstoc that your readers would be interested in? Maybe you run a blog about entrepreneurship and run across a great business template. Don’t link to it, embed it. On the flip side, if you have a doc that is relevant to one of your posts, upload it to docstoc and throw it on. Click here for Docstoc’s quick and easy embedding instructions. Here’s an example of a doc embedded with Docstoc:

 blog it

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