Monday, November 26, 2007

Julia Roy on "A News Portal"-- Very Smart Idea

clipped from

A News Portal

I always liked Todd Defren's idea of a purpose-built page.  By tagging every URL referencing a particular brand, campaign, event, initiative etc. using, it gives you the opportunity to aggregate all the links online you want people to find in one place.
I have found as a social media tool for outreach and monitoring, it is overwhelmingly valuable and time-efficient.  My first attempt with a purpose-built page was with a client- Fuser.  I tagged every URL to do with Fuser-- from the Fuser Facebook group, to Fuser blog reviews, to the Fuser press release, to the Fuser blog, to the features of Fuser-- it is all tagged and aggregated in one spot. 
This serves as a great place to direct journalists, bloggers and users, as well as being a great way to show the client all the media pick-up. 
 blog it

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